On March 23, 2022, CMS announced an extension of its non-enforcement policy for specific ACA compliance requirements for certain non-grandfathered individual and small group coverage known as “grandmothered” policies. Under the latest extension, states may permit insurers that have continually renewed eligible grandmothered policies since January 1, 2014, to renew that coverage again for a policy year beginning on or before October 1, 2022. The non-enforcement policy remains in effect until the agency announces that coverage renewed under this policy must comply with the relevant requirements.
On November 14, 2013, CMS issued a letter outlining a transitional policy concerning health care reform mandates for coverage in the individual and small group markets. Under the policy, state authorities could allow health insurance issuers to continue certain coverage that would otherwise have been canceled for failure to comply with the ACA requirements.
This initiative allowed individuals and small businesses to elect to re-enroll in such coverage. Specifically, the non-enforcement policy provided relief from the following market reforms:
Since the initial announcement, the non-enforcement policy has been continually extended, thus permitting grandmothered policies to maintain an exemption from the above-mentioned requirements.
Although the CMS bulletin allows for the temporary continuation of these non-compliant plans at the federal level, it is important to note that the practice must still be approved by state regulators for policies to be available in a particular state. Insurers will then have a choice as to whether to keep offering the policies. The bulletin includes a notice that insurers can use in the event they issue coverage cancellation notices and will now provide the policyholder with the option to continue the coverage.
Accordingly, small employers who are currently covered by such grandmothered policies should be aware of the most recent non-enforcement extension. These employers should work with their advisors and insurers regarding the possible renewal of the coverage.
CMS Bulletin »
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