Gov. Kemp recently signed HB 146, which provides paid parental leave to state and public-school employees. The law took effect on July 1, 2021.
Specifically, employees of the state government or local board of education are entitled to 120 hours of paid parental leave after the birth of a child, adoption of a child or placement of a child in foster care in their home. Generally, employees of these entities are eligible for the leave after six continuous months of employment. Hourly employees are required to work a minimum of 700 hours over the six-month period immediately preceding the requested paid parental leave date.
An employee can only qualify for the leave once per rolling twelve-month period but can take the time incrementally over such period. Unused leave does not carry over to the next twelve-month period nor does it have any cash value in the event of employment termination. Employers are prohibited from retaliating against employees for using leave to which they are entitled.
State government and local board of education employers should be aware of the new parental paid leave requirements. Under the law, these employers must produce rules for administering the leave that address whether the leave will run concurrently with other federal leave and documentation requirements. Counsel should be consulted for guidance.
HB 146 »
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