State Updates

Continuation of Flexibility in the Issuance and Administration of Insurance


On December 29, 2020, Commissioner Anderson issued Bulletin 2020-30, extending the protections offered in Bulletin 2020-05. Bulletin 2020-30 reiterates that the Division of Insurance expects insurance carriers to continue to take steps to help address concerns about maintaining coverage and preserving the insurance market during the COVID-19 crisis. The division requests that carriers communicate and allow flexibility as it pertains to payment of premiums and continuation of coverage. Specifically, carriers should explain grace periods that are available, work with employers and individuals experiencing financial hardships, and explore ways to relax due dates for premiums.

In addition to the requests made in Bulletin 2020-05, the division now also expects carriers to maintain customer support services to provide consumer information about their insurance options in a way that will allow them to prevent a loss of coverage.

Although this guidance is directed towards insurance carriers, employers based in Massachusetts should familiarize themselves with this guidance as they continue to contend with participants being affected by COVID-19.

Bulletin 2020-30 »

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