Retirement Updates

IRS Updates Procedure for Determination Letter Requests


On January 4, 2021, the IRS released Revenue Procedure (Rev. Proc.) 2021-4, which explains the IRS procedures for issuing determination letters for employee benefit plans and transactions.

Rev. Proc. 2021-4 supersedes Rev. Proc. 2020-4 and updates those procedures by deleting procedures for submitting pre-approved plans for remedial amendment cycles prior to the third cycle and requiring requests for determination letters for plans that result from a plan merger to include the most recent determination letter for each predecessor plan. The update also increases the user fee for determination letter requests filed on Form 5300 to $2,700, the fee for determination requests filed on Form 5307 by adopters of modified volume submitter plans to $1,000, and the fee for requests on Form 5310 for terminating plans to $3,500. The update also requires that requests for determination as to whether leased employees are deemed employees include a cover letter requesting the determination and the additional information described in the procedure.

Employers that may need to request a determination letter should review this guidance and work with their service providers to submit any necessary applications.

Rev. Proc. 2021-4 »

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