Reminders & Announcements

Feb 15, 2024

CMS Medicare Part D Disclosure Due by March 1, 2024

All fully insured and self-insured plans (including level-funded plans) of all sizes, including church and governmental plans, must annually disclose to CMS whether their plan’s prescription drug coverage is creditable. Generally, “creditable coverage” refers to prescription drug coverage that is expected to pay (based on the actuarial value) on average at least as much as Medicare Part D coverage.

Jan 17, 2024

Form W-2 Cost of Coverage Reporting

Annually, large employers must report the aggregate cost of group health coverage provided to employees on Form W-2. The coverage must be reported on a calendar-year basis, regardless of the ERISA plan year or policy year. The reporting is intended for informational purposes...

Jan 3, 2024

Internet Self-Service Tool Must Be Fully Implemented for 2024 Plan Years

The Transparency in Coverage Final Rule (TiC) requires non-grandfathered group health plans and carriers to make personalized out-of-pocket cost information available to participants through an internet-based self-service tool. The purpose of the self-service tool is to provide participants with real-time, accurate estimates of...

Aug 3, 2023

It’s MLR Rebate Time Again!

The ACA requires insurers to submit an annual report to HHS to account for plan costs. If the insurer does not meet the medical loss ratio standards, this means too large a portion of the premiums charged in the previous year went towards the insurer’s administration, marketing, and profit, rather than going toward paying claims and quality improvement initiatives. In such case, the insurer must provide rebates to policyholders.

Jul 20, 2023

COVID-19 National Emergency Outbreak Period Has Ended

Based on DOL FAQ guidance and subsequent commentary, the COVID-19 National Emergency Outbreak Period ended on July 10, 2023. This means that the tolling of certain ERISA plan deadlines (e.g., COBRA elections, payments and certain notices, HIPAA special enrollments, and claims and appeals filings) will no longer be required.

Jun 8, 2023

End of COVID-19 National Emergency Outbreak Period Fast Approaching

Now that the COVID-19 National Emergency has ended, employers must prepare for the end of the Outbreak Period. Based on DOL FAQ guidance and subsequent commentary, the Outbreak Period will end on July 10, 2023. This means that the tolling of certain ERISA plan deadlines (e.g., COBRA elections, payments and certain notices, HIPAA special enrollments, and claims and appeals filings) will no longer be required.

May 25, 2023

PCOR Fee, Form 720 Filing Due July 31

The ACA imposed the PCOR fee on health plans to support clinical effectiveness research. The PCOR fee applies to plan years ending on or after October 1, 2012, and before October 1, 2029. The PCOR fee is generally due by July 31 of the calendar year following the close of the plan year.

Feb 2, 2023

CAA Pharmacy Benefit and Healthcare Spending Reporting Deadline Approaching

Under the CAA, Section 204, insured and self-insured group health plans are required to report significant information regarding prescription drug and healthcare spending to the government. The 2020 and 2021 calendar year data submissions are due by December 27, 2022. However, under recently announced relief, a submission grace period is available to employers who make a good faith submission of the 2020 and 2021 data on or before January 31, 2023.


PPI Benefit Solutions does not provide legal or tax advice. Compliance, regulatory and related content is for general informational purposes and is not guaranteed to be accurate or complete. You should consult an attorney or tax professional regarding the application or potential implications of laws, regulations or policies to your specific circumstances.

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