Jan 7, 2021 DOL Updates FFCRA FAQs On December 31, 2020, the DOL updated its FAQs for the FFCRA by adding FAQ numbers 104 and 105. These new FAQs concern issues relating to the fact that employers are no longer required to provide EPSL and EFMLA after December 31, 2020. FAQ 104 asks whether an employee, who was eligible to take leave under the FFCRA but did not take any of that leave in 2020, was entitled to that leave after December 31. The DOL states that employers no longer must provide such leave; however, they can voluntarily provide the leave. Although recent legislation did not extend the time...
Dec 24, 2020 IRS Issues Guidance Confirming that Premium Tax Credit Unaffected by Repeal of Individual Mandate On December 1, 2020, the IRS released final regulations clarifying that when Congress zeroed out the personal exemption deduction (provided for meeting the individual mandate) for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017, and before January 1, 2026, it did not prevent individuals from claiming the premium tax credit when enrolling in a health plan on the Marketplace.
Dec 24, 2020 Agencies Finalize Rules to Enhance Flexibility for Grandfathered Group Health Plans On December 11, 2020, the DOL, HHS and IRS issued final rules that amend certain requirements for grandfathered group health plans to maintain their grandfather status. The rules provide such plans with greater flexibility to make changes in response to increases in health coverage costs.