Federal Health & Welfare Updates

Agencies Issue Update on Status of Federal Independent Resolution Process

On August 19, 2022, the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor, and the Treasury (the departments) provided a status update on the federal Independent Dispute Resolution (IDR) portal. The departments launched the portal on April 15, 2022, to resolve payment disputes between insurers/plans and providers for certain out-of-network (OON) charges. The portal was discussed in the April 28, 2022, edition of Compliance Corner. The No Surprises Act requires that the departments publish certain information about the federal IDR process for each calendar quarter.

Due to delays in implementation attributed to litigation, the departments have no data to report for the first quarter of 2022. However, they report that for a period beginning on April 15 and ending on August 11, 2022, disputing parties initiated over 46,000 disputes through the portal. Of the disputes initiated during that time, certified IDR entities rendered a payment determination in over 1,200 disputes.

The departments also report that many of these disputes were challenged based on eligibility. They note that non-initiating parties challenged over 21,000 disputes’ eligibility for the dispute resolution process. The departments believe that IDR entities determined that over 7,000 disputes were ineligible for the federal IDR process as a result of these disputes, although the departments point out that the large number of these disputes does not necessarily mean that these disputes are ineligible, only that a party has challenged the eligibility of a dispute and that additional review by the certified IDR entities is necessary to determine eligibility.

The departments also discuss the sources of delay in the IDR process. They point out that the challenges over eligibility were a primary cause of delays in resolving those disputes. However, the departments point out that reviews of these challenges could be processed more quickly when both parties provide all the information required for federal IDR initiation, including the disclosures (in particular, disclosures of the qualifying payment amount and necessary contact information) required of plans and issuers when they make an initial payment or provide a notice of denial of payment and a complete submission by the initiating party. With the expectation that an increased understanding of these requirements will facilitate a faster process, the departments provide a checklist of the information that providers and plans are required to disclose with the initial payment or notice of denial of payment.

Employers, particularly those with self-insured plans, should be aware of the existence of the portal and the process by which an IDR dispute is initiated.

Federal Independent Dispute Resolution Process Status Update »

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